王红伟1 ,李永华1 ,郑庆松1 ,陈小龙1,2
(1 . 南京尚吉增材制造研究院有限公司,江苏南京210046; 2 . 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏南京
Preparation and properties of porous nickel by space-holder-method
WANG Hongwei1 ,LI Yonghua1 ,ZHENG Qingsong1 ,CHEN Xiaolong1,2
(1 .Shangi Institute For Advanced Materials(Nanjing)CO., LTD. Nanjing Jiangsu 210046. China; 2 . Nanjing
Tech University Nanjing Jiangsu 211816. China)
摘要 添加氯化钠作为造孔剂,采用粉末冶金方法制备高孔隙率小孔径多孔镍。对多孔镍的孔隙特征、
率为60.84%~64.92%,平均孔径为0.20~8.80 μm,小于20 μm孔径占比为92.0%~96.1%,压缩屈服强度为8.9~
13.4 MPa 的多孔镍;随着烧结后冷却时间的增加,平均孔径减小,压缩强度呈增加趋势。
关键词 :
多孔镍 ,
氯化钠 ,
孔隙率 ,
孔径分布 ,
Abstract :Porous nickel with high porosity and small pore was fabricated by powder metallurgy which was called
space-holder-method and adding sodium chloride(NaCl). The pore structures and mechanical properties were
examined. The results show that by Adjusting the proportion of space-holder, sintering temperature and cooling
time, porosity of sample was 60.84%~64.92%, the mean pore size was 0.20-8.80 μm with the proportion of over 20
μm occupying 92.0%~96.1%, compressive strength was 8.9-13.4 MPa. The mean pore size decreases correspondingly
with increase of cooling time, but the compressive strength take on the trend of increase.
Key words :
porous nickel
pore size distribution
mechanical property
收稿日期: 2022-03-08
作者简介 : 王红伟(1990—),男,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为钛合金、高温合金粉末及其制品的研发与制造。
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