摘要热等静压能够消除材料内部缺陷和残余应力,提高力学性能,作为金属 3D 打印构件后处理的重
要手段,越来越受到国内外广泛关注并得到迅速发展。综述了近期国内外科研人员针对多种材料的 3D
打印构件实施热等静压后力学性能变化,阐述了性能提高的主要原因,进而为热等静压处理 3D 打印构件
Abstract:Hot isostatic pressing can eliminate internal defects and residual stress of materials and improve me‐
chanical properties. As an important means of post-treatment for metal 3D printed components, it has attracted
more and more attention and developed rapidly at home and abroad. The recent progress in improving mechanical
properties of 3D printed components by hot isostatic pressing is reviewed, the main reasons for the improvement of
mechanical properties are described, and some suggestions for hot isostatic pressing 3D printed components are put
林毅贞,刘文彬. 热等静压对3D打印金属构件力学性能的影响[J]. 粉末冶金工业, 2023, 33(03): 120-124.
LIN Yizhen,LIU Wenbin. Effect of hot isostatic pressing on mechanical properties of 3D printed metal components. Powder Metallurgy Industry, 2023, 33(03): 120-124.