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2016 Vol. 26, No. 04
Published: 2016-08-10

1 Review harmonic structure
LUO Xi-yu,,KUANG Chun-jiang,SHEN Xiang
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20160021
Harmonic structure consists of a powder particles surface with fine grains and particles core with coarse grains. The structure consists of a network-like fine grain region filled with islands of coarse grain region. The structure is demonstrated not only strengthen the material but also improve the ductility simultaneously. The harmonic structure and mechanical properties of titanium alloy, stainless steel, high speed steel/low carbon steel, cobalt based alloy and pure copper were analyzed. The key technical points for preparing the harmonic structure were reviewed, including initial powder, severe plastic deformation and hot consolidation.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
12 Preparation and characterization of MoO3 by hydrothermal process
CHEN Yan-wu,LIU Xiang-jun,LU Feng-hui,LI Wei
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20160004
Molybdenum trioxide was synthesized by using hydrothermal method and (NH4)2Mo4O13·H2O as raw material. The effects of different pH value, hydrothermal reaction time, filling degree and calcination temperature on the MoO3 powder were studied. The structure and morphology of the samples were characterized by XRD and SEM. Results show that, when the pH value is 1, the hydrothermal reaction time is 16 h, the filling degree is 90% and the calcination temperature is 550 ℃, MoO3 powder has uniform size, smooth surface and good dispersion; The crystal type of MoO3 is changed during the calcination process, and all the MoO3 crystals change from h-MoO3 to α-MoO3 when the calcination temperature reaches 350 ℃.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 12-16 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 4 )
17 Experimental study on the preparation of ultrafine zinc powder by hot-dip galvanizing slag
BU Er-jun,,,XUE Xiang-xin,,YANG He,
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150076
The hot galvanizing slag from cold rolling mill was used as raw materials, ultrafine zinc powder was prepared by evaporation condensation method. Using new evaporation device and cooling device, effects of maximum evaporation temperature, temperature holding time, protective gas quantity, evaporation materials and cooling intensity on the yield of zinc powder and particle size distribution were studied. The resulting particle size distribution, chemical composition, XRD and microstructure of the ultrafine zinc powder were tested, and the causes and countermeasures of zinc powder conglobation were discussed.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
23 Effect of annealing temperature on the crystal structure and properties of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite
YANG Feng,WANG En-ze,ZHANG Zheng-quan
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20160037
CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite light absorption material was prepared by solution process and characterized by XRD, infrared spectrum and UV-visible spectrum. The effect of different annealing temperature on crystal structure and properties of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite material was investigated. The results show that the crystal structure and properties of material are affected by temperature. The best state of crystallinity and absorbance are observed at 85 ℃. The average grain size of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite material is about 375 ?, and the material band gap energy of 1.62 eV is calculated by Tacu relation.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 23-26 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
27 Experimental study on preparation of ferrochrome nitride by SHS
ZHANG Wu,LI Cheng-wei,LIN Chang-ping
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150078
Ferrochrome nitride was prepared by SHS with Cr2O3, Fe2O3 and Al as experimental raw materials, urea as nitriding medium and NaNO3 as heating agent, respectively. Through the thermodynamic analysis and experimental research, it is proved the feasibility of preparation of ferrochrome nitride by SHS, and the adding amount of NaNO3 is calculated out. The phase composition was analyzed by XRD, and the main metal elements contents were tested by XRF. The mass percent of chromium and iron are 62.70% and 33.25%, respectively. The nitrogen content was determined by azotometer, and the mass percent of nitrogen is 3.42%, which reaches the production standards of ferrochrome nitride.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 27-30 [Abstract] ( 1 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
31 Research on powder injection molding of CP-titanium for biomedical application
LIU Chao,KONG Xiang-ji,KUANG Chun-jiang
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150075
Titanium and its alloys is one of the most promising materials for biomedical application because of the high specific strength, low elastic modulus, good corrosion resistance and perfect bio-compatibility. However, the utilization of titanium and its alloys is limited due to the poor processing performance, especially for the components with complicated shapes. MIM process can expand its application fields by offering a net-shape or near net-shape fabrication route for complex shaped parts. A feedstock with water-soluble binders was employed to prepare the specimens displaying relative density of 95.7%, oxygen mass percent of 0.196%, nitrogen mass percent of 0.007%, yield strength of 403.12 MPa, ultimate tensile strength of 491.33 MPa and plastic elongation of 21.4%. These properties (except the relative density) meet the requirements of ASTM F2989-13 for grade 2 pure titanium.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 1 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 1 )
36 The effects of gravity on the liquid phase sintering of tungsten alloys parts
CHEN Wei,YANG Xiao-feng,WANG Wei
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150073
93W alloys were prepared by means of vacuum liquid phase sintering, and the effects of gravity on the shape and microstructure of 93W alloys parts were investigated. The result shows that gravity causes remarkable macroscopic deformation during the vacuum liquid phase sintering of 93W alloys. Moreover, the gravity leads to obvious microstructure segregation phenomenon, and the densities increase linearly in the direction of gravity.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 36-39 [Abstract] ( 1 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
40 Determination of crystalline size and lattice distortion of Pb phase in Al-Pb nanocomposite by Vogit function method
WU Zhi-fang, LIU Chao, ZHOU Fan
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150087
Crystalline size and lattice distortion of Pb phase in Al-Pb nanocomposite prepared by high energy ball milling were determined by Vogit function method. The calculation result was compared with the TEM observation result. The result shows that the calculation value of grain size of Pb phase by Vogit function method is consistent with TEM observation result. It means that the result of Vogit function analysis is reliable and the Vogit function method can be applied to the routine analysis.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 40-44 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
45 Microstructure and magnetic properties of M-type rare-earth permanent ferrites
WANG Zi-min,,DENG Zhi-gang
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20160031
The powder metallurgy method was initially used to prepare M-type rare-earth permanent ferrites with the composite addition of CaSiO3 and BBSS flux. Then the average particle size of the forming materials were tested by Fisher particle size analyzers, meanwhile, the microstructure, phases, fracture surfaces and magnetic properties of the samples were also measured by SEM, EDS, XRD and permanent magnetic ferrite meters, etc. Finally, the apparent density was tested by buoyancy method. Experimental results show that, the composite addition of CaSiO3 and BBSS flux promotes the uniform growth of M-type ferrite grains, and ameliorates the orientations, thereby significantly improves the magnetic properties and the temperature coefficient of [HCJ.]But the Curie temperature of ferrite decreases slightly. When 0.7% (mass percent) CaSiO3 and 0.4% (mass percent) BSSS flux are added into the sintered materials[(Ca0.45La0.45Sr0.1Fe10.3Co0.3O19-δ)] at the time of the fine pulverization, M-type high performance rare-earth permanent ferrite are obtained with[Br]of 455 mT,[HCJ]of 412 kA/m,[M*]of 6 275.3 and [Hk/HCJ]of 95.8%.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 45-49 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
50 Research and improvement on the nonuniform density distribution of integral forming inductor
LI Wei-jian,YAN Liang-ming,GUO Feng,MIAO Shu-ting,LI Yuan-yuan
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150068
With the development of information technology, the inductor industry is booming. Integral forming inductor is widely used because of its many advantages. But in the compaction process, due to the friction of powder, the pressure loss and other issues, the density distribution is not uniform, which directly affects the performance of the components. The warm compaction process has many advantages, such as high green density and sintered density, high green strength, low ejection force, little elastic aftereffect, so the process has attracted much attention in recent years. Effect of temperature, pressure and lubricant on the inductor density was studied, so as to solve the problem of nonuniform density distribution of integral forming inductor. The forming process was evaluated by calculating the difference between the inductor overall density and local density, and the best parameters are as follows: compaction temperature of 150 ℃, Apex lubricant content of 0.3% (mass percent) and compaction pressure of 800 MPa. Thus the integral forming inductor with density of 7.23 g/cm3 and local density difference of 0.02 g/cm3 is achieved.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 50-54 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
55 Study on the ultra-smooth polishing property of pressureless sintered SiC
LIU?Xiu,HE Zhi-yong,QIAN Fen-ling,WANG Xiao-bo,ZHANG Qi-fu,
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20160059
Pressureless sintering technique was used to prepare SiC mirror material. The effects of three kinds of abrasives, such as diamond, Cr2O3 and SiO2 on the polishing property of sintered SiC samples were analyzed. Experimental results indicate that physical properties of sintered SiC can meet the requirements of mirror material. The hardness difference between diamond abrasive and sintered SiC ceramic is minimal. During ultra-smooth polishing process, defects such as dislocation and vacancy on the SiC surface are the least, which caused by the shape of diamond abrasive. Therefore surface of sintered SiC polished by diamond abrasive is the best. The surface roughness of sintered SiC is 0.789 nm(RMS) and surface accuracy is[0.007 λ(λ=0.632 8 μm),] which satisfies the request of mirror.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 55-59 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 3 )
60 Research status and development of powder injection molding simulation
QIAO Bin,CAO Zhen-wei,SUN Wei,FU Jie,SHANG Feng,DONG Yan-feng
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150054
Powder injection molding (PIM) is a new type of near net forming technology, which sets plastics forming and traditional powder metallurgy process advantage. The advantages and problems to be solved of PIM were described. Powder injection molding simulation software can be used to effectively avoid or reduce the limitations of various stages of PIM. The achievement and problems to be solved on PIM feeding and mold filling simulation technology at home and abroad were introduced. On the basis of research situation of PIM feeding and mold filling simulation, the development of PIM simulation was discussed. The research of powder particle simulation based on Burracuda software is the main trend of the PIM feeding simulation, providing reference for the further development of PIM feeding simulation technology.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 60-64 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
65 Study on the influence of punch deformation on forming cracks of multi-steps PM products
CHEN Li-e,YU Jian-bo,ZENG Jin-yan,ZHAO Shan-jie
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150063
There are many reasons for forming cracks of multi-steps PM products. The effect of punch deformation on the forming cracks was mainly studied. The different punch has different deformation when forming, which make the products generate cracks. The simple punch deformation can be calculated by Hooke’s law, and when the punch structure is complex, the SolidWorks finite element analysis can be used to calculate the deformation. Under the guidance of Hooke’s law, the deformation difference between punches is reduced by changing the forming process or the punch design, thus the PM products crack is avoided. Hooke’s law is a good guide in design stage to avoid multi-steps PM products forming cracks caused by punch deformation.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 65-69 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 3 )
70 Discussion on remedy methods for ring pattern defect of TM210A steel
ZHAO Cheng-zhi,PANG Xue-dong,ZHAI Yu-jia,SUN Yong
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20150085
High temperature homogenization treatment and cycle heating quenching process were taken to improve the ring pattern defects in the forged bars of vacuum arc remelted TM210A steel, and then the bars were rolled. Results show that the ring pattern can be eliminated without affecting mechanical properties of the bars by high temperature homogenization treatment and rolling process.
2016 Vol. 26 (04): 70-74 [Abstract] ( 0 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF  (0 KB)  ( 2 )
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