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2020 Vol. 30, No. 01
Published: 2020-02-10

1 Data mining: boosting the innovative development of powder metallurgy Hot!
YIN Hai-qing,QU Xuan-hui
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20200006
In an era of rapid development of the global economy and information technology, the powder metallurgy industry is witnessing a great challenges. Advanced materials and novel technologies are urgently needed to meet the changing requirement of end-users and markets. The methodology of materials genome engineering has pushed the application of data science far ahead in materials science, and the time-shortening and cost-reducing are also the goal of the powder metallurgy industry. In this case we summarize the applications of data mining technology in the past two decades in accelerating the components design, processing optimization, and mechanism analysis in powder metallurgy, aiming to exhibit the advantage and potential of data mining technology as a catalyst for accelerating the development of powder metallurgy.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (968 KB)  ( 3 )
7 Research on the LiFe1-xMnxPO4 by self-propagating combustion synthesis Hot!
LI Hang, CHEN Xiu-juan, ZHANG Peng-lin
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180079
LiFePO4 was synthesized by thermal explosion with MnCO3 as Mn source. The effect of different amount of MnCO3 on the performance of LiFePO4 was studied. The results show that the peak intensity and half width of LiFe0.95Mn0.05PO4 diffraction peak are the best when the doping amount is x = 0.05; SEM test shows that the particles of the doping product are dispersed best and the particles are uniform; the first charge discharge specific capacity of the doping product at 0.1C is 154.9 mAh/g and 138.5 mAh/g respectively, which is higher than the first charge discharge specific capacity of pure LiFePO4; after 50 cycles, the discharge specific capacity is greatly improved. The first discharge specific capacity is 129 mAh/g, 109.4 mAh/g and 86.9 mAh/g at 0.2 C, 0.5 C and 1 C, respectively.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 7-11 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1113 KB)  ( 4 )
12 Numerical simulation of different powder transfer position in CNC press Hot!
HUANG Yong-qiang, SHEN Xiao-ping
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20190013
Powder transfer can be achieved without preloading on hydraulic CNC powder press , that is to say powder can transfer to any position and not to be deformated, Therefore this function ensures the density uniformity of forming multi-step complex parts. In this paper, a simulation analysis of the density distribution of the green compact under different transfer position was carried out using the finite element software- DEFORM. Optimization the location of powder transfer and the pressing parameters, and the improvement of the uniformity of density distribution were realized through the numerical simulation analysis. It proves that the optimal design can satisfy the accuracy, density and performance requirements for the sprocket manufactured by the advanced net forming method of powder metallurgy.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 12-17 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1085 KB)  ( 4 )
18 Effect of rare earth lanthanum fluoride on performance of porous aluminum Hot!
DI Yu-li, LI Xia, XIAO Wen
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180098
Porous aluminum samples were prepared by adding pore forming agent. The effects of sintering temperature and lanthanum fluoride content on the properties of porous aluminum were studied. The results show that the sintering performance of porous aluminum material is the best when the sintering temperature is 600 ℃, the mechanical properties of porous aluminum can be improved by adding lanthanum fluoride properly, and the compressive strength and elastic modulus of porous aluminum material are the best when the adding amount of lanthanum fluoride is 0.5%, which are 52.4 MPa and 1.56 GPA respectively.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1091 KB)  ( 8 )
23 Effect of pore-forming agent on the properties of Al- based bonding matrix Hot!
CHEN Ke-xin,LIU Yi-bo,CAO Cai-ting,LIU Wei
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180071
In this paper, the effects of two kinds of pore-forming agents on the properties of Al based binders with AlSi20 as the main component were studied by adding graphite and hollow glass microspheres with the same volume fraction. The results show that for the same volume fraction of graphite and hollow glass microspheres, the influence of graphite on the density, hardness and bending strength of aluminum based binder is greater than that of hollow glass microspheres. The distribution of graphite and hollow glass microsphere is uniform, and there is no segregation. The hollow glass microsphere with larger particle size is broken.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 23-27 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1145 KB)  ( 5 )
28 Analysis of high temperature microstructure and color change properties of Hot!
TIAN Hua, QIU Bao-lian
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180078
The mechanism of electrochromic properties of inorganic all solid films and WO3 films under high temperature was analyzed. The results show that when the temperature rises to 250 ℃, the change of the reflectivity of the thin film does not change significantly, and when the temperature rises further, the change of the reflectivity of the thin film decreases rapidly. When the temperature is lower than 250 ℃, WO3 is amorphous; when the temperature is raised to 250 ℃, WO3 is transformed from amorphous structure to crystal structure. When the substrate temperature increases, the response time for the electrochromic process of WO3 increases. With the increase of heating temperature, the area of cyclic voltammetry curve of WO3 film did not change significantly. When the temperature was over 250 ℃, the amount of charge required for the reaction decreased significantly, and the electrochromic property decreased significantly.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 28-31 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (948 KB)  ( 4 )
32 Microstructure and properties of the detonation spraying coating Hot!
Lü Yan-hong,ZHANG Hui, TANG Jian-xing,TAO Hong-biao
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180075
In order to explore the feasibility of local spraying technology on the surface of continuous casting mould coating, NiCr-Cr3C2 cermet coatings were prepared on copper matrix and copper matrix+chromium plating surface by detonation spraying. The microstructure, bonding strength and thermal shock resistance of the coatings were compared and studied. The results show that the coating has a typical layered structure with compact and uniform structure. The bonding between the coating and the copper matrix and between the coating and the electrodeposit coating is very close. No interfacial contamination and oxide inclusions are found. The bonding strength between coating and substrate, electrodeposit coating and substrate, coating and electrodeposit coating is close to 70 MPa, and the spraying process has no adverse effect on the bonding state between electrodeposit coating and substrate. The thermal shock resistance of coating+copper matrix structure is worse than that of coating+coating+copper matrix structure. Electroplating plays the role of transition layer and barrier layer, which slows down the thermal shock failure rate of coating and reduces the tendency of oxidation of copper matrix.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1135 KB)  ( 3 )
37 Effect of space-holding particles content on porous titanium alloy plate prepared by powder rolling Hot!
QIAN Chen-chen,HE Yi-qiang, HAN Shen-li,HU Ke,CUI Li-qun, XU Hu-lin
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180108
Large-size porous TC4 titanium alloy plate with porosity of 42.8%-68.5% was successfully prepared by applying the powder space holder method to the powder rolling process. Ammonium bicarbonate particles with volume fraction of 40%-70% was added into the TC4 alloy powders as the space holders. The results show that the rolling pressure and thickness of the green plates decreased with the increase of space-holding particles’ content when the rolling process parameters are fixed constant. After debinding at 200 °C and subsequent vacuum sintering at 1 250 °C, the porosity of the prepared TC4 plate increased with the space holder content. When the content of space holders ranging from 60% to 70%, the pore connectivity increased, and the pore distribution became homogenous. The maximum porosity of the prepared porous TC4 alloy plate was 68.5%. The tensile strength of the porous TC4 alloy plate decreased from 124.7 MPa to 12.7 MPa, when the content of the ammonium bicarbonate particles increased from 40% to 70%. With increasing the space holder content, the stressed position transformed from the pore walls to the pore edges, and then the fracture surface decreased, when the porous TC4 alloy plate was under tensile stress.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 37-41 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1087 KB)  ( 4 )
42 Characteristic analysis of Cu-Al-O films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering method Q235 steel surface Hot!
WANG Chun-yan,KANG Jin
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20190011
In this paper, Cu target and Al target were used as targets, different amount of Cu sheets were pasted on the Al target to control the Cu/Al ratio, and Cu-Al-O films were deposited on the glass substrate by RF magnetron sputtering. The effects of Al content on the composition, crystal structure and photoelectric properties of the films were analyzed by WDS, XRD, XPS, four-point probe, Hall effect and UV-Vis spectrum. The results show that the Al content of the film increases from 0 to 19.35% with the increase of Cu flakes; the crystal structure of the film changes from CuO phase to amorphous state with the increase of Al content; the resistivity increases from 0.49 Ω·cm to 11.78 Ω·cm with the increase of Al content; the Cu-Al-O film is p-type; the visible light transmittance increases from 19.98% to 74.11% with the increase of Al content, and the optical energy gap increases from 2.09 eV to 2.88 eV. steel used Plasma cladding technology using Fe310 ferrobased self-fused alloy powder + TiC powder as cladding material. At the addition ratio of 3 %, 6 %, and 10 % of TiC, the phase composition and microstructure of the cladding layer were analyzed by means of scanning electricity and X-ray diffraction experiments. The microhardness and wear resistance of the cladding layer were measured by microhardness meter and friction wear tester,The results show that the combination between the cladding layer and the matrix is metallurgical; The highest hardness of cladding layer is up to 1 643HV0.5, is 6.3 times of the substrate. The relative wear resistance is 5.8 times of the substrate.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 42-45 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (986 KB)  ( 3 )
46 Effect of heat treatment on properties of Al-B4C flats based on EDEM Hot!
CHEN Jin, XIONG Ning, GE Qi-lu, WANG Tie-jun, CAI Jing
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20190146
Aluminum based boron carbide plate (B4C volume fraction is 10.5%, the same below) was prepared by hot isostatic pressing. The density, hardness, room temperature mechanical properties of aluminum based boron carbide plate before and after heat treatment were tested, and the fracture structure was observed. The results show that after heat treatment, the density and hardness of the board are almost the same, and the heat treatment process has a significant effect on the mechanical properties of the board. After heating (500 ℃ × 3 h), water quenching and artificial aging (170 ℃ × 1 h), the tensile strength and elongation of the board are 365 MPa and 9.6% respectively, which are better than those of the board without heat treatment,the tensile strength increased by 89.1%, while the elongation decreased by 48.3%.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 46-50 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1133 KB)  ( 4 )
51 Effect of SPS cycle times on microstructure and properties of 86W-12.5Ni-1.2Al-5.5Fe-1.5Al2O3 tungsten alloy Hot!
HUANG Xiao-yun
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20190005
The tungsten alloy 86W-12.5Ni-1.2Al-5.5Fe-1.5Al2O3 for truck crankshaft was treated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) technology. The effect of cycle times on its structure and properties was studied. The results show that when the number of SPS cycles increases, more uniform W grains and binding phase (m) are formed in the sample, and the w-w connectivity decreases. Most of Al2O3 particles are concentrated in the W-M interface area, and the proportion of W element in the binding phase decreases. The results show that the solution strengthening effect of tungsten alloy can be achieved by SPS cycling treatment, and the higher mechanical strength of tungsten alloy can be obtained by reducing w-w connectivity. After more SPS cycles, the bending strength and fracture deflection of the tungsten alloy were improved significantly, and reached the maximum at 18 SPS cycles. After several SPS cycles, more dislocations were formed in the bonding phase, which greatly enhanced the strength of the alloy.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 51-55 [Abstract] ( 5 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1061 KB)  ( 4 )
56 Effect of reaction time on the preparation of VO2(B) nanobattery materials by hydrothermal method Hot!
DUAN Chun-yan,?HAN Hui-li,?MA Ma
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180112
The VO2(B) nanostrip structure was prepared by water heat treatment method. The microscopic morphology of VO2(B) nanostrip and the electrochemical properties of VO2(B) nanostrip were tested when the material was used as a sodium ion anode material. The results show that high purity VO2(B) has been generated when the hydrothermal time is 2 h. With the increasing of hydrothermal time to 10 h, the crystallinity of product does not change. The products obtained from water heat treatment are composed of nanoribbons structure. With the water heat treatment for 6 h, it generates numerous nanoribbons (with the thickness 10 nm, width 40 nm, length 2 μm). The discharge law decreases monotonically with the increase of cycle number. The discharge capacity of VO2(B) within 1.5-4.5 V is 175 mA·h/g. After 60 cycles of charging and discharging, the discharge capacity remains about 50% of the original.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1120 KB)  ( 4 )
60 Research of PtRh20 alloy powder prepared by spark plasma erosion Hot!
YANG Zong-lun, HU Fa-ping, LIU Wei-ting, JIANG Chao-jun, DAI Yu
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180080
Platinum rhodium alloy (PtRh20) powder was prepared in pure aqueous medium by spark plasma. The impurity content, surface morphology, composition and particle size distribution of the powder were analyzed by ICP, SEM and laser particle size analyzer. The results show that the efficiency of PtRh20 alloy powder prepared by electrospark plasma erosion method is up to 1 000 g/h, and the purity of the powder is high. It is composed of high spherical particles and floccules with the same composition. The particle size of the powder is basically between 5-60 μm, and the average particle size is 25 μm.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 60-63 [Abstract] ( 1 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1114 KB)  ( 4 )
64 The effect of atmospheric conditions on microstructure and properties of 17-4PH stainless steel by laser direct manufacturing Hot!
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180084
In this paper, the effect of laser direct manufacturing (LDM) on the structure and mechanical properties of 17-4PH samples in different atmosphere was studied. The results show that the deposited and heat-treated samples have higher tensile strength and hardness due to the increase of oxygen and nitrogen content in the atmosphere. Under the condition of argon chamber, the temperature of heat accumulation of substrate is higher, the porosity of sample decreases significantly, and the formation of reversed austenite results in the decrease of sample strength.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 64-68 [Abstract] ( 1 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1191 KB)  ( 3 )
69 Effect of Sm doping amount on the properties of SnO2 nanostructures Hot!
MENG Ling-long, LI Qiang
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180107
In this paper, SnO2 nanostructures were prepared by hydrothermal method, doped by Sm, and the structure and gas-sensitive properties of the materials were tested. The results show that SnO2 with good crystal structure is formed in the sample before and after Sm doping. Rare earth Sm has obvious inhibition effect on the growth of nanorods. Sm2Sn2O7 structure is formed in the crystal structure of the product doped with 4% and 6% Sm, and the size of nanorods becomes smaller when doped with 6% Sm. With the increase of the atomic fraction of doped Sm, the sensitivity of component for testing isopropanol increases continuously.The aging of SnO2 in air results in the decrease of SnO2 resistance, which shows excellent gas-sensitive characteristics.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 69-72 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1085 KB)  ( 3 )
73 Effect of diffusion temperature on microstructure and physical properties of Al2O3/ sn0.3ag0.7cu alloy powder for vehicle use Hot!
WEI Yu-tang, SUN Ting-ting
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20190199
The powder of Sn0.3Ag0.7Cu alloy with Al2O3 as reinforcement was treated with diffusion intensification, and the effect of diffusion temperature on its microstructure and physical properties was experimentally tested.The results show that: when the Sn0.3Ag0.7Cu alloy powder was heated to 700 ℃ for diffusion strengthening, the size deviation of the blank is ±0.04 mm, the size uniformity is higher, and the alloy powder has good forming ability.The diffusion alloying temperature is raised to 700 ℃ to achieve the complete solid solution of Sn and Cu, and the content of Sn in the powder particles is 8.6%-9.7%, and the evenly distributed Sn is formed in the alloy powder. Sn0.3ag0.7cu alloy powder obtained by diffusion strengthening treatment at various temperatures has similar flow capacity and loose packing density, showing excellent fluidity.The fine powder is obtained by diffusion strengthening at 700 ℃, and the alloy powder with controllable looseness and flow capacity shows good compression characteristics.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 73-76 [Abstract] ( 2 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1003 KB)  ( 7 )
77 Research and development of reinforced phases in copper based powder metallurgical friction materials Hot!
LIU Jian-xiu,PAN Sheng-li,WU Shen,FAN Jiang-lei,HAO Yuan-feng
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180103
Copper-based powder metallurgy friction materials have been gradually applied to fast train brake friction materials for its homogeneous, good thermal conductivity, high abrasion resistance, friction factor stability, etc. At present, the domestic copper-based P/M brake pads have basically met the demand of 250 Km/h trains, but the brake pads of high-speed trains above 300 Km/h still rely on imports. In this paper, the effects of metal powders, metal compounds and ceramic particles on the friction and wear properties of copper-based powder metallurgy are reviewed. The main problems in the preparation of copper-based powder metallurgy friction materials for high-speed trains are pointed out, and the development prospect of copper-based powder metallurgy friction materials is prospected.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 77-83 [Abstract] ( 4 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1270 KB)  ( 3 )
84 Industrialized preparation technology of high grade stainless steel powder for MIM Hot!
MA Hong-qiu,MENG Ling-bing,ZHAO Tong-chun,JIANG Zhong-min,ZHANG Jun,GUAN Li-dong
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180114
Mass production of high grade stainless steel powder for MIM (metal injection molding) was produced by combined atomization technology of water and gas. The design of nozzle, optimization of refractories, control of powder oxygen content and research on powder treatment technology were discussed in the present work. In comparison with the common stainless steel powder 316L and 17-4PH, the properties of produced powder have reached the advanced level of international similar products. Industrial scale production of 500 Kg is realized, and the production capacity of special alloy powder can reach 10 thousand tons per year.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 84-88 [Abstract] ( 3 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1151 KB)  ( 4 )
89 Research on the preparation of low melting point Cu-P-Sn-Ni base brazing powder Hot!
QIN Si-si, XIAO Ming-qing, WAN Ying-hao, ZENG Gui-yu
DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1006-6543.20180117
In this paper, Cu-7%P-6.5%Sn-1.2%Ni (mass fraction) low melting point brazing alloy powder was prepared by vacuum atomization.The powder with reasonable particle size distribution and good liquidity was obtained by studying the influence of atomization pressure on powder particle size. The microstructure, chemical composition and melting range were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), chemical analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). Results show that the surface of atomization powder is smooth, the spherical degree is good, the composition is uniform and the deviation of P, Sn, Ni elements in alloy is small, the oxygen content is as low as 0.047%, the melting point of brazing powder is low, which began to melt at 608.69 ℃.
2020 Vol. 30 (01): 89-92 [Abstract] ( 5 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1012 KB)  ( 3 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech