Abstract:In this paper, the magnetostrictive biosensor was prepared by using the Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloy ribbon as the magnetostrictive transducer and using the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as the functional coating. The influence of DC bias magnetic field and AC excitation magnetic field on the resonance characteristics of magnetostrictive transducer was investigated by impedance analyzer Agilent 4294A. The corrosion resistance of Au coating and PVA coating was compared by electrochemical workstation test. The E.coli suspension with concentration of 101-108CFU/mL was detected by a 5mm×1.4mm×25μm sensor, and the bacteria adsorption was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental results show:(1)the PVA coating with thickness of 347nm has larger self-corrosion potential, impedance arc and smaller self-corrosion current than the Au coating with thickness of 2.31μm, so the PVA coating has better corrosion resistance. (2)With the increase of DC bias voltage, the resonant signal amplitude of the transducer firstly increases and then remains unchanged, while with the increase of AC voltage, the resonant signal amplitude of the transducer shows a downward trend. (3)Both the surface of the transducer and the PVA coating showed certain nonspecific binding ability to E.coli, but the resonance frequency offset of the transducer was smaller than that of the sensor loaded with antibody at the same bacterial concentration. The difference of resonance frequency offset was larger with the increase of the concentration.The detection limit was 102CFU/ mL. The results of scanning electron microscopy further confirmed that the resonant frequency deviation of the sensor was caused by the adsorbed E.coli.
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